] imath - Graad 10 Wiskunde oefeninge i.v.m. ewewydige lyne wat ander twee syse verdeel in driehoeke, Grade 10 Mathematics, more exercises re. parallel lines in a triangle.
Driehoeke en ewewydige lyne.
Triangles and parallel lines.
    In meegaande skets is AD = DC en DE
    halveer BC.
    Gebruik die figuur en bewys, met redes, dat
    FG = GC
    In the accompanying diagram AD = DC and
    DE bisects BC.
    Use the diagram to prove, giving reasons, that
    FG = GC
    In meegaande skets is AB || CD || EF
    en C is die middelpunt van AE.
    Bewys, met redes, dat
   2.1 BG = EG
   2.2 BD = DF
   2.3 CD = ½(AB + EF)
    In the accompanying diagram AB || CD || EF
    and C is the midpoint of AE.
    Prove, giving reasons, that
   2.1 BG = EG
   2.2 BD = DF
   2.3 CD = ½(AB + EF)
    In meegaande skets is PS || TU || QR
    en PT = TQ. Hoeklyne PR en QS sny TU in
    A en B onderskeidelik.
    Bewys, met redes, dat
   3.1 TA = BU
   3.2 AB = ½(PS − QR)
    In the accompanying diagram PS || TU || QR
    and PT = TQ. Diagonals PR and QS
    intersect TU in A and B respectively.
    Prove, giving reasons, that
   3.1 TA = BU
   3.2 AB = ½(PS − QR)
    In meegaande skets is K, L, M en N die
    middelpunte van AB, BC, CD en DA
    onderskeidelik. BD is 'n hoeklyn.
    Bewys, met redes, dat
   4.1 KN || LM
   4.2 KLMN is 'n parallelogram.
   4.3 KL + LM + MN + NK  =  AC + BD
    In the accompanying diagram K, L, M and N
    are the midpoints of AB, BC, CD and DA
    respectively. BD is a diagonal.
    Prove, giving reasons, that
   4.1 KN || LM
   4.2 KLMN is a parallelogram.
   4.3 KL + LM + MN + NK  =  AC + BD
    In meegaande skets is K, L en M die
    middelpunte van DE, DF en EF
    onderskeidelik. KM en LM is verbind.
    Bewys, met redes, dat ∠K1 = ∠L1
    In the accompanying diagram K, L and M
    are the midpoints of DE, DF and EF
    respectively. Lines KM and LM are drawn.
    Prove, giving reasons, that ∠K1 = ∠L1
    In meegaande skets is AM = MB en
    MP || BC. BP word verleng na Q sodat
    BP = PQ. Q word verbind met A en C.
    Bewys, met redes, dat ABCQ 'n
    parallelogram is.
    In the accompanying diagram AM = MB and
    MP || BC. BP is produced to Q so that
    BP = PQ. Q is joined to A and C.
    Prove, giving reasons, that ABCQ is
    a parallelogram.
    In Δ DEF is K die middelpunt van EF,
    L die middelpunt van DK en EM || KN.
    Bewys, met redes, dat DF = 3 DM.
    In Δ DEF K is the midpoint of EF,
    L is the midpoint of DK and EM || KN.
    Prove, giving reasons, that DF = 3 DM.