Kaarte en reise
Maps and trips
Vraag  / Question  1  

         In 1929 was die landspoedrekord
         200 myl per uur, 200 mph.
         Sir Malcolm Campbell kom na Verneukpan in
         die Noord-Kaap om die rekord te verbeter.
         Intussen is die rekord verbeter na 231,36 mph.
         Campbell wou 'n spoed van 300 mph bereik.
         Hy slaag egter nie daarin nie.
         Beskou die kaart hierbo en gebruik dit
         om die vrae te beantwoord :
        1.1   Beskryf die roete vanaf Upington na
                                                                 [ A 1.1 ]
        1.2   Die werklike afstand vanaf Kenhardt na
                Brandvlei is 141 km. Die afstand op die
                kaart is 14,1 cm. Toon aan dat die skaal
                van die kaart is 1 : 1 000 000. Toon alle
                nodige berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 1.2 ]
        1.3   Skakel 300 mph om na km/h, tot die
                naaste heelgetal.
                Gegee dat 1 myl = 1,60934 km.
                                                                 [ A 1.3 ]
        1.4.1   Toon aan dat dit 12 sekondes neem
                   om 1 myl teen 'n spoed van
                   300 mph te ry.
                  Jy kan die volgende gebruik :
                   spoed  =  ───────
                                                                 [ A 1.4.1 ]
        1.4.2   Teen watter spoed, in km/h,
                   ry hy as dit 12 sekondes neem
                   om 1 km af te lê?
                                                                [ A 1.4.2 ]
        1.5   Tom wil vanaf Pofadder na Verneukpan
        1.5.1   In watter algemene rigting moet hy
                                                              [ A 1.5.1 ]
        1.5.2   Die afstand op die kaart is 158 mm.
                   Hoe ver is Pofadder vanaf
                                                              [ A 1.5.2 ]
        1.5.3   Hy vertrek om 08:15 vanaf Pofadder
                   en land om 09:05 op Verneukpan.
                   Hoe lank, in uur, het hy gevlieg?
                                                              [ A 1.5.3 ]
        1.5.4   Bereken die spoed waarteen hy
                   gevlieg het.
                                                              [ A 1.5.4 ]
         In 1929 the landspeed record was
         200 miles per hour, 200 mph.
         Sir Malcolm Campbell came to Verneukpan in
         the Northern Cape to improve on the record.
         Meanwhile the record was improved to
         231,36 mph. Campbell wanted to reach a speed
         of 300 mph. Unfortunately he did not succeed.
         Study the map above and use it
         to answer the questions :
        1.1   Describe the route from Upington to
                                                                 [ A 1.1 ]
        1.2   The actual distance from Kenhardt to
                Brandvlei is 141 km. The distance on the
                map is 14,1 cm. Show that the scale of
                the map is 1 : 1 000 000. Show all the
                necessary calculations.
                                                                 [ A 1.2 ]
        1.3   Convert 300 mph to km/h, to the
                nearest whole number.
                Given that 1 mile = 1,60934 km.
                                                                 [ A 1.3 ]
        1.4.1   Show that it takes 12 seconds to
                   travel 1 mile at a speed of
                   300 mph.
                  You can use the following :
                   speed  =  ───────
                                                                 [ A 1.4.1 ]
        1.4.2   At what speed, in km/h, does he
                   drive if it takes 12 seconds to
                   cover 1 km?
                                                                [ A 1.4.2 ]
        1.5   Tom wants to fly from Pofadder to
                Verneukpan .
        1.5.1   In which general direction must he fly?
                                                              [ A 1.5.1 ]
        1.5.2   The distance on the map is 158 mm.
                   How far is Pofadder from
                                                              [ A 1.5.2 ]
        1.5.3   He departs at 08:15 from Pofadder
                   and lands at 09:05 on Verneukpan.
                   How long, in hours, did he fly?
                                                              [ A 1.5.3 ]
        1.5.4   Calculate the speed at which he flew.
                                                              [ A 1.5.4 ]
Vraag  / Question  2  

 Kaart verkry van pamflet ..discover Cape Agulhas / Map abtained from pamphlet ..discover Cape Agulhas
         Bestudeer die kaart hierbo en beantwoord
         dan die volgende vrae :
        2.1   Beskryf die roete vanaf Die Dam
                na Caledon.
                                                                 [ A 2.1 ]
        2.2   Hoe ver is Napier van Calecon?
                                                                 [ A 2.2 ]
        2.3   Op die kaart is die afstand vanaf
                Napier na Caledon 50 mm. Bepaal
                die skaal van die kaart.
                                                                 [ A 2.3 ]
        2.4   Die afstand van Gansbaai na
                Stanford is 22 km. Bepaal die
                afstand op die kaart.
                                                                 [ A 2.4 ]
        2.5   Wat is die algemene rigting
                vanaf L'Agulhas na Stanford?
                                                                 [ A 2.5 ]
        2.6   Gebruik die Route Planner op
                die kaart om te bepaal hoe ver is
        2.6.1   Mosselbaai van Kaapstad.
                                                              [ A 2.6.1 ]

        2.6.2   Waenhuiskrans van Struisbaai.
                                                              [ A 2.6.2 ]
         Study the map above and use it
         to answer the questions :
        2.1   Describe the route from Die Dam
                to Calecon.
                                                                 [ A 2.1 ]
        2.2   How far is Napier from Calecon?
                                                                 [ A 2.2 ]
        2.3   On the map the distance from Napier
                to Caledon is 50 mm. Determine
                the scale used on the map.
                                                                 [ A 2.3 ]
        2.4   The distance from Gansbaai to
                Stanford is 22 km. Determine the
                distance on the map.
                                                                 [ A 2.4 ]
        2.5   What is the general direction
                from L'Agulhas to Stanford?
                                                                 [ A 2.5 ]
        2.6   Use the Route Planner on the map to
                to determine the distance from
        2.6.1   Mossel Bay to Cape Town.
                                                              [ A 2.6.1 ]

        2.6.2   Waenhuiskrans to Struisbaai.
                                                              [ A 2.6.2 ]
Vraag  / Question  3  

         Bestudeer die kaart hierbo en beantwoord
         dan die volgende vrae :
        2.1   Beskryf die roete vanaf Carnarvon
                na Bloemfontein. Gee die name van
                die dorpe waarlangs jou roete loop.
                                                                 [ A 3.1 ]
        3.2   Die afstand van Hopetown na
                Strydenburg is 55 km. Op die kaart
                is hierdie afstand 11 mm. Bereken
                die skaal op die kaart in die
                formaat 1 : .....
                                                                 [ A 3.2 ]
        3.3   Op die kaart is die afstand van
                Prieska na Britstown 2,6 cm.
                Bereken die werkilike afstand
                van Prieska na Britstown.
                                                                 [ A 3.3 ]
        3.4   Wat is die algemene rigting vanaf
                Prieska na Middelburg?
                                                                 [ A 3.4 ]
        3.5   Regs bo op die kaart sal jy 'n
                skaal sien. Wat word hierdie tipe
                skaal genoem?                        [ A 3.5 ]
         Study the map above and use it
         to answer the questions :
        3.1   Describe the route from Carnarvon
                to Bloemfontein. Give the names of the
                towns through which your route passes.
                                                                 [ A 3.1 ]
        3.2   The distance from Hopetown to
                Strydenburg is 55 km. On the map this
                distance is 11 mm. Calculate the scale
                of the map in the format 1 : .....
                                                                 [ A 3.2 ]
        3.3   On the map the distance from Prieska
                to Britstown is 2,6 cm. Calculate the
                real distance from Prieska to Britstown.
                                                                 [ A 3.3 ]
        3.4   What is the general direction from
                Prieska to Middelburg?
                                                                 [ A 3.4 ]
        3.5   At the right top on the map you will
                find a scale. What is this type of
                scale called?                            [ A 3.5 ]
Vraag  / Question  4  

         Bestudeer die kaart van die Republiek van
         Ierland hierbo en beantwoord dan die
         volgende vrae :
        4.1   Describe the route from Cork to
                Ballysadare. Give the names of the
                towns through which your route passes
                as well as the route names.
                                                                 [ A 4.1 ]
        4.2   What is the general direction of
                Waterford from Dublin?
                                                                 [ A 4.2 ]
        4.3   On the map the distance from Cashel
                to Johnstone is 17 mm. The actual
                distance is 25 miles. What is the
                scale of the map?
                                                                 [ A 4.3 ]
        4.4   The actual distance from Cork to
                Limerick is 42 miles. What is
                the distance on the map?
                                                                 [ A 4.4 ]
        4.5   Convert 25 miles to km if
                1,60934 km = 1 mile.
                                                                 [ A 4.5 ]
        4.6   Beneath the map is a scale.
                What is this scale called?
                                                                 [ A 4.6 ]
         Study the map of the Republic of Ireland
         above and use it to answer the questions :
        4.1   Describe the route from Cork to
                Ballysadare. Give the names of the
                towns through which your route passes
                as well as the route names.
                                                                 [ A 4.1 ]
        4.2   What is the general direction of
                Waterford from Dublin?
                                                                 [ A 4.2 ]
        4.3   On the map the distance from Cashel
                to Johnstone is 17 mm. The actual
                distance is 25 miles. What is the
                scale of the map?
                                                                 [ A 4.3 ]
        4.4   The actual distance from Cork to
                Limerick is 42 miles. What is
                the distance on the map?
                                                                 [ A 4.4 ]
        4.5   Convert 25 miles to km if
                1,60934 km = 1 mile.
                                                                 [ A 4.5 ]
        4.6   Beneath the map is a scale.
                What is this scale called?
                                                                 [ A 4.6 ]
Vraag  / Question  5  
         Jack en Jill kom van die VSA om vriende in
         Upington en Kaapstad te besoek.
         Hulle besluit om die Eldo bus vanaf
         Johannesburg na Upington en dan later
         van Upington na Kaapstad te neem.
         Bestudeer die tydtafel va Eldo Coaches
         hierbo en beantwoord dan die
         volgende vrae :
        5.1   Bereken die waardes van A en B
                in die tabel.
                                                                 [ A 5.1 ]
        5.2   Hoe laat het Jack en Jiil die Eldo
                bus van Johannesburg geneem?
                                                                 [ A 5.2 ]
        5.3   Wat is die prys van 'n kaartjie
                van Johannesburg na Upington
                VSA dollar? Hoeveel dollar het
                hulle vir twee kaartjies betaal?
                                                                 [ A 5.3 ]
        5.4   Skakel $47,00 om na Rand
                as $1 = R14,85
                                                                   [ A 5.4 ]
        5.5   Hoe lank die duur die rit van
                Johannesburg na Upington?
                                                                 [ A 5.5 ]
        5.6   Wat is gie gemiddelde spoed van die bus
                bus as die afstande van Johannesburg
                na Upington 880 km is?
                Jy mag die volgende gebruik
                spoed = ───────
                                   tyd                       [ A 5.6 ]
        5.7   By Potchefstroom klim John, 'n vriend
                van Jack en Jill ook op die bus. Die
                prys, in dollar, van 'n enkelkaartjie van
                Potchefstroom na Upington is $16,23.
                John het R259,25 vir die kaartjie betaal.
                Bereke die wisselkoers op die dag
                toe John die kaartjie gekoop het.
                                                                 [ A 5.7 ]
        5.8   Jack en John stry oor die spoed van
                van die bus terwyl dit van
                Olifantshoek na Upington ry.
                John beweer dat die bus teen
                ongeveer 80 km/h ry. Jack beweer
                dat die bus veel vinniger ry.
                Die bus is in staat om teen
                100 myl per uur te ry.
        5.8.1   Skakel 100 myl per uur (mph)
                   om na km/h. Jy mag die volgende
                   gebruik : 1 mph = 1,60934 km/h
                                                                 [ A 5.8.1 ]
        5.8.2   Hoe lank duur die rit van
                   Olifantshoek na Upington?
                                                                 [ A 5.8.2 ]
        5.8.3   Bereken die spoed van die bus van
                   Olifantshoek na Upington as die
                   afstand 263 km is.
                                                                 [ A 5.8.3 ]
         Jack and Jill came from the USA to visit
         friends in Upington and Cape Town.
         They decided to take the Eldo coach from
         Johannesburg to Upington and then later
         from Upington to Cape Town.
         Study the Eldo Coaches's time table
         above and then answer the
         following questions :
        5.1   Calculate the values of A and B
                in the table.
                                                                 [ A 5.1 ]
        5.2   At what time did Jack and Jill catch the
                Eldo coach from Johannesburg?
                                                                 [ A 5.2 ]
        5.3   What is the price of a ticket from
                Johannesburg to Upington in
                USA dollars? How many dollar did
                they pay for two tickets?
                                                                 [ A 5.3 ]
        5.4   Convert $47,00 to Rand if
                $1 = R14,85
                                                                 [ A 5.4 ]
        5.5   What is the duration of the trip
                from Johannesburg to Upington?
                                                                 [ A 5.5 ]
        5.6   What is the average speed of the bus
                if the distance from Johannesburg to
                Upington is 880 km?
                You may use the formula
                speed = ───────
                                   time                       [ A 5.6 ]
        5.7   At Potchefstroom John, a friend of
                Jack and Jill joins them on the bus.
                The dollar price of a single ticket from
                Potchefstroom to Upington is $16,23.
                John paid R259,25 for the ticket.
                Calculate the exchange rate on the
                day when John bought the ticket?
                                                                 [ A 5.7 ]
        5.8   Jack and John are arguing about the
                speed of the bus as it drives from
                Olifantshoek to Upington.
                John claims that the bus is driving
                at about 80 km/h. Jack claims that
                the bus is going much faster.
                The bus is capable of driving
                at 100 miles per hour.
        5.8.1   Convert 100 miles per hour (mph)
                   to km/h. You may use the following :
                   1 mph = 1,60934 km/h
                                                                 [ A 5.8.1 ]
        5.8.2   What is the duration of the trip
                   from Olifantshoek to Upington?
                                                                 [ A 5.8.2 ]
        5.8.3   Calculate the average speed of the
                   bus from Olifantshoek to Upington
                   if the distance is 263 km..
                                                                 [ A 5.8.3 ]
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