Finansiële documente, tariewe
Financial documents, tariffs
Vraag  / Question  1  
         'n Sekere Munisipaliteit het die volgende
         tariefstelsel vir die verkoop van
         huishoudelike water. [ Die verbruik word
         bepaal deur die lesing af te rond na die
         volgende heelgetal kl verbruik.
         Dus, 7,5 kl word afgerond na 8 kl ]:
         A certain Municipality has the following tariff
         system for calculating the charge for the sale
         of household water. [ The consumption is
         determined by rounding up the reading to the
         next whole number kl consumed.
         Thus, 7,5 kl is rounded up to 8 kl ]:
     Van kℓ       Tot kℓ          Tarief per kℓ (R)                   Van kℓ          Tot kℓ          Tarief per kℓ (R)
     From kℓ       To kℓ          Tariff per kℓ (R)                   From kℓ          To kℓ          Tariff per kℓ (R)
           0             6                gratis / free                                      50,00              79,99              3,50
           6,01           29,99                 2,00                                      80,00              99,99              4,50
         30,00           49,99                 2,40                                      100,00         en meer. / and more              7,80
        1.1   'n Huishouding verbruik 8 kl water.
        1.1.1   Wat is die tarief vir die verbruik?
                                                                 [ A 1.1.1 ]
        1.1.2   Wat is die bedrag betaalbaar?
                   Toon al jou berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 1.1.2 ]
        1.2   Die verbruik is 49,12 kl vir die maand.
                Bereken die bedrag verskuldig.
               Toon al jou berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 1.2 ]
        1.3   'n Rekening vir R135,65 word
                gegee vir 'n verbruik van 55 kl.
               Toets die korrektheid van die
               rekening. Toon al jou berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 1.3 ]
        1.1   A household uses 8 kl of water.
        1.1.1   What is the tariff for this consumption?
                                                                 [ A 1.1 ]
        1.1.2   What is the amount payable?
                   Show all your calculations.
                                                                 [ A 1.1.2 ]
        1.2   The consumtion for the month is
                49,12 kl. Calculate the amount payable.
               Show all your calculations.
                                                                 [ A 1.2 ]
        1.3   An account for R135,65 is rendered for
                a consumption of 55 kl.
               Test the correctness of the account.
               Show all your calculations.
                                                                 [ A 1.3 ]
Vraag  / Question  2  
         Gert stel die volgende begroting op:
Inkomste (R)         Uitgawe (R)    
    Salaris     7 600         Huishuur     2 800
                Kos     1 900
                Klere     600
                Motor paaiement     1 300
                Motor onderhoud     820
                Vermaak     600
                Spaar     500
    Totaal     7 600         Totaal    
        2.1   Bepaal Gert se totale uitgawe.
                Kan hy al sy uitgawes bekostig?
                                                                 [ A 2.1 ]
        2.2   Veronderstel dat hy niks spaar nie.
                Klop sy begroting nou? Wat kan
                hy nog doen om sy begroting .
                te laat klop?
                                                                 [ A 2.2 ]
        2.3   Hy besluit om tog R300 te spaar.
                Wat kan hy doen om sy begroting
                te laat klop?
                                                                 [ A 2.3 ]
         Jack draws up the following budget :
Income (R)         Expenses (R)    
    Salary     7 600         Rent     2 800
                Food     1 900
                Clothes     600
                Imstalment - motor car     1 300
                Maintance - motor car     820
                Entertainment     600
                Saving Scheme     500
    Total     7 600         Total    
        2.1   Determine Jack's total expenses.
                Can he afford all his expenses?
                                                                 [ A 2.1 ]
        2.2   Suppose that he saves nothing.
                Does his budget balance?
                What else can he do to balance
                his budget?
                                                                 [ A 2.2 ]
        2.3   He decides to save R300. What
                can he do to balance his budget?
                                                                 [ A 2.3 ]
Vraag  / Question  3  
         Koos stel die volgende begroting op:
         Peter draws up the following budget :
             Inkomste / Income             R                                Uitgawe / Expenses              R
     Salaris / Salary       17 000           Paaiement - huis / Instalment - house          6 800
                     Paaiement - motor / Instalment - motor car          2 100
                     Paaiement - 2de motor / Instalment - 2nd car          1 000
                     Motor onderhoud / Maintenance - motor cars          1 000
                     Kos / Food          3 200
                     Klere / Clothes          1 320
                     Skoolonkostes / Expenses - school          1 680
                     Vermaak / Entertainment             800
                     Spaar / Savings Account             400
    Totaal / Total            A           Totaal / Total               B
        3.1   Bepaal A en B se waardes in die tabel.
                                                                 [ A 3.1 ]
        3.2   Kan hy al sy uitgawes bekostig?
                                                                 [ A 3.2 ]
        3.3   Veronderstel dat hy niks spaar nie.
                Klop sy begroting nou? Wat kan hy
                nog doen om sy begroting te
                laat klop?
                                                                 [ A 3.3 ]
        3.1   Determine the values of A and B in the
                table                                         [ A 3.1 ]
        3.2   Can he afford all his expenses?
                                                                 [ A 3.2 ]
        3.3   Suppose that he saves nothing.
                Does his budget now balance?
                What more can he do to balance
                his budget?
                                                                 [ A 3.3 ]
Vraag  / Question  4  
         Bestudeer die volgende rekening van
         XYZ Munisipaliteit en beantwoord dan
         die vrae hieronder :
XYZ Munisipaliteit
Slingerstraat 13            Bus 34              Foon: 001 968 0001
Komhier                       Komhier            Faks: 001 968 0002
001908                        001908
Mnr. JS Poggempoel                    Rekening vir Maart 2016
Bus 31                                        Datum : 28/03/2016
Komhier                                       Betaal voor 14 / 04 / 2016
001908                                        Rekeningnommer : 10416
Beskrywing Hoeveel Bedrag BTW Bedrag
Balans oorgedra          639,45
Betaling ontvang          -639,45
Water 35 43,75 49,88 93,63
Elektrisiteit 288 478,08 66,93 545,10
Vullis verwydering    50,00 7,00 57,00
Riolering 35 70,00 9,80 79,80
Erfbelasting          410,12
Verskuldig    572,53 133,61 1 185,65
Meterlesings Eiendomsinligting
Soort Vorige Huidge Erfnommer 0236
Water 1206 1241 Grootte (ha) 0,1
Elektrisiteit 80136 80324 Waardasie 350 000
         Belasting 4 921,44
Notas :
   1. Watertarief : R1,10 /kiloliter - eerste 6 kiloliter gratis
   2. Elektrisiteitstarief : R1,45 / eenheid
   3. Rente teen 15% p.a. word gehef op bedrae wat
       te laat betaal word,
         Study the following account from
         XYZ Municipality and then answer
         the questions below :
XYZ Municipality
13 Wandering Street       P. O. Box 34       Phone: 001 968 0001
Hereweare                     Hereweare           Fax: 001 968 0002
001908                          001908
Mr. JS Pimpleroy                             Account : March 2016
P. O. Box 31                                   Date : 28/03/2016
Hereweare                                       Settle before 14 / 04 / 2016
001908                                            Account number : 10416
Description Charge Amount VAT Amount
Brought forward          639,45
Payment received          -639,45
Water 35 43,75 49,88 93,63
Electricity 288 478,08 66,93 545,10
Refuse removal    50,00 7,00 57,00
Sewage 35 70,00 9,80 79,80
Annual levy          410,12
Amount due    572,53 133,61 1 185,65
Meter readings Property information
Type Previous Current Stand 0236
Water 1206 1241 Size (ha) 0,1
Electricity 80136 80324 Value 350 000
         Annual levy 4 921,44
Notes :
           1. Water rate : R1,10 /kiloliter - firs 6 kiloliter free
            2. Electricity rate : R1,45 / unit
            3. Interest at 15% p.a. ia added on late payments
                and overdue accounts.
        4.1   Wat is die Munispaliteit se foonnommer?
                                                                 [ A 4.1 ]
        4.2   Wat is die Munispaliteit se posadres?
                Kan hy al sy uitgawes bekostig?
                                                                 [ A 4.2 ]
        4.3   Wat is die datum waarop die
                rekening uitgereik is?
                                                                 [ A 4.3 ]
        4.4   Wat is die laaste datum waarop die
                rekening betaal kan word sonder
                om rente te betaal?
                                                                 [ A 4.4 ]
        4.5   Waarom word die bedrag by
                Betaling ontvang as 'n
                negatiewe getal geskryf?
                                                                 [ A 4.5 ]
        4.6   Kontroleer die verbruik van water
                en elektrisiteit. Toon jou berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 4.6 ]
        4.7   Is die bedrag betaalbaar vir water
                korrek? Toon jou berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 4.7 ]
        4.8   Is daar nog foute op die rekening?
                Toon jou berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 4.8 ]
        4.9   Is dit korrek dat in hierdie geval
                die eiendomsbelasting teen
                1,6% bereken word?
                                                                 [ A 4.9 ]
        4.1   Write down the phone number
                of the Municipality.
                                                                 [ A 4.1 ]
        4.2   Write down the postal address
                of the Municipality.
                                                                 [ A 4.2 ]
        4.3   What is the date on which the
                account was issued?
                                                                 [ A 4.3 ]
        4.4   What is the last date on which the
                account can be settled without
                incurring interest?
                                                                 [ A 4.4 ]
        4.5   The amount "Payment received"
                is shown shown as a negative
                amount. Explain.
                                                                 [ A 4.5 ]
        4.6   Is the consumption of water and
                electricity correct? Show all
                your calculations.
                                                                 [ A 4.6 ]
        4.7   Is the amount payable for water
                correct? Show all your calculations.
                                                                 [ A 4.7 ]
        4.8   Are there any other mistakes?
                Show your calculations.
                                                                 [ A 4.8 ]
        4.9   Confirm that in this case property
                tax is levied at 1,6%.
                                                                 [ A 4.9 ]
Vraag  / Question  5  
         Bestudeer die bankstaat van
         'n spaarrekening.
Ons Nuwebank
Bus 21                    Foon: 088 968 0001         2 Mei 2005
Wegloop                 Faks: 088 968 0002        Staatnommer :
081908                                                                                 51
Mej. S. Marais      
Bus 18      
Bankstaat / Belastingfaktuur
SpaarNou                           Rekeningnommer : 12300075
Besonderhede Datum Debiete Krediete Saldo
Saldo oorgebring          1,986.32
Rente gekapitaliseer            
Oorplasing na rekening 223001021 04:18 800.00-    1,187.98
Diensgeld 04:30 19:20-    1,168.78
Koers Betaalbaar soos op 1 April 2005
              0.00   −    1,999.00      1%
      2,000.00   −    3,999.00      2%
      4,000.00   −  5,999.00        2.25%
      6,000.00   −  9,999.00        2.5%
    10,000.00   − 49,999.00      3%
    50,000.00   en meer            3,5%
Rente word maandeliks saamgestel.
Kontroleer asseblief alle inskrywings en rapporteer enige verskille
         Study the bank statement of a
         savings account.
Our Newbank
P. O. Box 21     Phone: 888 968 0001      May 2, 2005
Runaway           Fax: 888 968 0002         Statement number :
081908                                                                                   51
Miss S. Marais      
P. O. Box 18      
Bank statement / Tax invoice
SaveNow                               Account number : 12300075
Details Date Debits Credits Balance
Brought forward          1,986.32
Interest capitalized            
Transfer to account 223001021 04:18 800.00-    1,187.98
Service fees 04:30 19:20-    1,168.78
Rate as on April 1, 2005
              0.00   −    1,999.00      1%
      2,000.00   −    3,999.00      2%
      4,000.00   −  5,999.00        2.25%
      6,000.00   −  9,999.00        2.5%
    10,000.00   − 49,999.00      3%
    50,000.00   en meer            3,5%
Interest is compounded monthly.
  Please check all entries and report any differences.
        5.1   Wat is die datum van die faktuur en
                wat is die nommer van die staat?
                                                                 [ A 5.1 ]
        5.2   Waarom word kommas en punte
                in die bedrae gebruik en wat is
                die betekenis daarvan?
                                                                 [ A 5.2 ]
        5.3   Watter rentekoers geld vir
                hierdie rekening?
                                                                 [ A 5.3 ]
        5.4   Bereken die rente verdien.
                                                                 [ A 5.4 ]
        5.5   Wat beteken "Rente gekapitaliseer"
                                                                 [ A 5.5 ]
        5.6   Wat is die Saldo na die inskrywing
                " Rente gekapitaliseer" ?
                                                                 [ A 5.6 ]
        5.7   Waarom is daar 'n negatiewe teken
                na die waardes in die Debiete kolom?
                                                                 [ A 5.7 ]
        5.8   Wat is die Saldo op die
                30ste April?
                                                                 [ A 5.8 ]
        5.1   When was the invoice dated and
                what is the number of the invoice?
                                                                 [ A 5.1 ]
        5.2   Why are commas and full stops
                used in the amounts and what
                does it mean?
                                                                 [ A 5.2 ]
        5.3   What is the interest rate for
                this account?
                                                                 [ A 5.3 ]
        5.4   Calculate the interest earned.
                                                                 [ A 5.4 ]
        5.5   What is the meaning of
                "Interest capitalized"?
                                                                 [ A 5.5 ]
        5.6   What is the Balance after the
                entry "Interest capitalized"?
                                                                 [ A 5.6 ]
        5.7   Explain the use of a negative sign
                after the amounts in the Debits column.
                                                                 [ A 5.7 ]
        5.8   What is the Balance on April, 30?
                                                                 [ A 5.8 ]
Vraag  / Question  6  
         Bestudeer die bankstaat van
         'n lopende / tjek rekening.
Ons Nuwebank
Bus 21                  Foon: 088 968 0001         2 Mei 2005
Wegloop               Faks: 088 968 0002        Staatnommer :
081908                                                                               251
Mej. S. Marais      
Bus 18      
Bankstaat / Belastingfaktuur
LekkerMaklik                 Rekeningnommer : 223001021
Besonderhede Datum Debiete Krediete Saldo
Saldo oorgebring          3,814.21−
ABC Dienste - salaris 04.01    7,420.00 P
Premie - lewenspolis 04.01 421.00−    3,184.79
Premie - versekering 04.01 318.75−    2,866.04
VeiligheidEerste 04.01 216.00−    2,648.04
Ons Nuwebank - paaiement op motor 04.02 1,850.00−    798.04
Werksaam Motorhawe 04.05 821.00−    S
LekkerKoop 04.06 2,430.25−      
Kontant onttrek 04.10 900.00−    3,353.21−
Werksaam Motorhawe 04.12 212.00−    3,565.21−
Oorplasing van rekening 12300075 04:18    800.00 T
LekkerKoop 04.26 1,660.55−      
Diensgeld 04:30 99:00−    4,524.76−
Rente - oortrokke rekening 04:30 W    X
Koers Betaalbaar soos op 1 April 2005
Rente word op oortrokke rekeninge gehef teen 13,5% p.j. en
word maandeliks saamgestel.
Kontroleer asseblief alle inskrywings en rapporteer enige verskille
         Study the statement from
         a current account.
Our Newbank
P.O. Box 21      Phone: 088 968 0001       2 May 2005
Runaway          Fax: 088 968 0002            Statement :
081908                                                          number :  251
Miss S. Marais      
P.O. Box 18      
Bank statement / Tax invoice
VeryEasy                      Account number : 223001021
Details Date Debits Credits Balance
Brought forward          3,814.21−
ABC Services - salary 04.01    7,420.00 P
Premium - life insurance 04.01 421.00−    3,184.79
Premium - insurance 04.01 318.75−    2,866.04
SafetyFirst 04.01 216.00−    2,648.04
Our Newbank - instalment on car 04.02 1,850.00−    798.04
WorkAsATeam Service Station 04.05 821.00−    S
EasyBuy 04.06 2,430.25−      
Cash Withdrawn 04.10 900.00−    3,353.21−
WorkAsATeam Service Station 04.12 212.00−    3,565.21−
Transfer from Account 12300075 04:18    800.00 T
EasyBuy 04.26 1,660.55−      
Service Fees 04:30 99:00−    4,524.76−
Interest - overdrawn account 04:30 W    X
Rate as on April 1, 2005
Interest is added to overdrawn accounts at a rate of
13,5% p.a. and is compounded monthly.
Please check all entries and report any differences.
        6.1   Wat is die datum en die nommer
                van die faktuur?
                                                                 [ A 6.1 ]
        6.2   Waarom word die saldo
                oorgebring met 'n negatiewe
                teken aangedui?
                                                                 [ A 6.2 ]
        6.3   Waarom word die bedrae in
                die Debiete kolom met 'n
                negatiewe teken aangedui?
                                                                 [ A 6.3 ]
        6.4   Bereken die saldo nadat ABC
                Dienste die salaris inbetaal het.
                Wat en waarom is die teken
                van die Saldo?
                                                                 [ A 6.4 ]
        6.5   Bereken die saldo op 04:05.
                Verduidelik jou antwoord.
                                                                 [ A 6.5 ]
        6.6   Bereken die saldo op 04:06.
                                                                 [ A 6.6 ]
        6.7   Bereken die saldo op 04:18
                                                                 [ A 6.7 ]
        6.8   Bereken die saldo op 04:29te
                                                                 [ A 6.8 ]
        6.9   Bereken die rente op die
                oortrokke rekening.
                                                                 [ A 6.9 ]
        6.10   Bereken die saldo op 04:30
                                                                 [ A 6.10 ]
        6.1   What is the date and the number
                of the invoice?
                                                                 [ A 6.1 ]
        6.2   Why is the balance brought
                forward shown with a
                negative sign?
                                                                 [ A 6.2 ]
        6.3   Why do the amounts shown in
                the Debits column have a
                negative sign?
                                                                 [ A 6.3 ]
        6.4   Calculate the Balance after
                ABC Services have paid the salary.
                What and why is the sign of
                the Balance?
                                                                 [ A 6.4 ]
        6.5   Calculate the Balance on 04:05.
                Explain your answer.
                                                                 [ A 6.5 ]
        6.6   Calculate the Balance on 04:06.
                                                                 [ A 6.6 ]
        6.7   Calculate the Balance on 04:18
                                                                 [ A 6.7 ]
        6.8   Calculate the Balance on 04:29
                                                                 [ A 6.8 ]
        6.9   Calculate the interest on the
                overdrawn account.
                                                                 [ A 6.9 ]
        6.10   Calculate the Balance on 04:30
                                                                 [ A 6.10 ]
Vraag  / Question  7  
         Bestudeer die kasregisterstrokie hieronder.
Goedkoop Winkel
Foon : 000 010 0203
Kassiere: Yolande Bezuidenhout
APPELS ROOI    17.99 #
APPEL ASYN 375 ml    12.79  
2 @ 10.99    21.98
2 @ 11.99    23.98  
2 @ 15.99 31.98  
PERSKES GEEL 0.96 KG    34.56 #
WORTELS LOS 0.75 KG    11.24 #
EIERS GROOT 18 PAK    29.99 #
EIERS GROOT 6 PAK    9.99 #
NESTLE KIT KAT    19.99   
SAKKE DRA PLASTIEK 24 l         
4 @ 0.46    1.84   
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BTW INGESLUIT    17.98   
         Study the following till slip.
Cheapest Shop
Beet Waters
Phone : 000 010 0203
Cashier: Melissa Brown
APPLES RED    17.99 #
APPLE VINEGAR 375 ml    12.79  
2 @ 10.99    21.98
2 @ 11.99    23.98  
2 @ 15.99 31.98  
PEACHES YELLOW 0.96 KG    34.56 #
CARROTS LOOSE 0.75 KG    11.24 #
POTATOES SMALL 0.6 KG    6.00 #
EGGS LARGE 18 PACK    29.99 #
EGGS LARGE 6 PACK    9.99 #
NESTLE KIT KAT    19.99   
CARRY BAGS PLASTIC 24 l         
4 @ 0.46    1.84   
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VAT INCLUDED    17.98   
        7.1   Hoeveel items is gekoop?
                                                                 [ A 7.1 ]
        7.2   Hoeveel plastiek dra sakke
                is gekoop?
                                                                 [ A 7.2 ]
        7.3   Wat is die volume van die sakke?
                                                                 [ A 7.3 ]
        7.4   Hoeveel items wat van BTW
                vrygestel is, is gekoop?
                                                                 [ A 7.4 ]
        7.5   Wat is die waarde van die
                items in 7.4?
                                                                 [ A 7.5 ]
        7.6   Wat is die waarde van die items
                waarop BTW betaal is?
                                                                 [ A 7.6 ]
        7.7   Wat is die prys van 1 blikkie
                heelpit mielies?
                                                                 [ A 7.7 ]
        7.8   Wat kos geel perskes per
                                                                 [ A 7.8 ]
        7.9   Watter verpakking van eiers is
                die goedkoopste - die 18 eiers
                per pak of die 6 eiers per pak?
                Toon al jou berekeninge.
                                                                 [ A 7.9 ]
        7.10   Wat sal 'n pak van 3 kg wortels
                  kos teen dieselfde prys per kg
                  as die los wortels?
                                                                 [ A 7.10 ]
        7.1   How many items were bought?
                                                                 [ A 7.1 ]
        7.2   How many plastic carry bags
                were bought?
                                                                 [ A 7.2 ]
        7.3   What is the volume of the bags?
                                                                 [ A 7.3 ]
        7.4   How many items that are VAT
                free were bought?
                                                                 [ A 7.4 ]
        7.5   What is the value of the items in 7.4?
                items in 7.4?
                                                                 [ A 7.5 ]
        7.6   What is the value of the items
                on which VAT is paid?
                                                                 [ A 7.6 ]
        7.7   What is the price of 1 tin of
                whole kernel sweet corn?
                                                                 [ A 7.7 ]
        7.8   What is the price of yellow
                peaches per kilogram?
                                                                 [ A 7.8 ]
        7.9   Which packaging of eggs is
                the cheaper - the 18 eggs
                per pack or the 6 eggs per pack?
                Show all your calcuations.
                                                                 [ A 7.9 ]
        7.10   What will a 3 kg pack of carrots
                  cost at the same price per kg as
                  that of the loose carrots?
                                                                 [ A 7.10 ]
Vraag  / Question  8  
         'n Selfoon maatskappy het 'n kontrak
         waar die koste R 0,50 per minuut is.
        8.1   Voltooi die tabel hieronder :
                                                                 [ A 8.1 ]
         A cellphone company has a contract
         where the cost is R0,50 per minute.
        8.1   Complete the table below :
                                                                 [ A 8.1 ]
Tyd / Time (minute / minutes) 0 10 50 200 250 300 400
Koste / Cost (R)                     
        8.2   Is die koste direk eweredig aan die tyd?
                Gee 'n rede. Watter vorm sal die grafiek
                wat die data voorstel, besit?
                                                                 [ A 8.2 ]
        8.3   Trek 'n grafiek om die data voor te stel.
                                                                 [ A 8.3 ]
        8.4   Gebruik die letters A, B, C en D om
                die punte waar jy die volgende
                aflesings sal maak, te merk.
                Noteer die afgeleesde waardes.
        8.4.1   koste as tyd = 100 minute [ A ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.1 ]
        8.4.2   tyd as koste = R100 [ B ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.2 ]
        8.4.3   koste as tyd = 150 minute [ C ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.3 ]
        8.4.4   tyd as koste = R125 [ D ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.4 ]
        8.5   Die maaatskappy verhoog nou
                die koste na R0,75 per minuut.
                Hoe moet jy jou grafiek verander
                om die nuwe koste te vertoon?
                Trek nou op dieselfde assestelsel
                die grafiek wat die koste
                teen R0,75 voorstel.
                                                                 [ A 8.5 ]
        8.2   Is cost directly proportional to time?
                Give a reason. What shape will
                the graph that represents the data have?
                                                                 [ A 8.2 ]
        8.3   Draw a graph to represent the data.
                                                                 [ A 8.3 ]
        8.4   Use the letters A, B, C and D to mark
                the points where you will make the
                following readings. Write down
                the value that you have read.
        8.4.1   cost if time = 100 minutes [ A ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.1 ]
        8.4.2   time if cost = R100 [ B ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.2 ]
        8.4.3   cost if time = 150 minutes [ C ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.3 ]
        8.4.4   time if cost = R125 [ D ]
                                                                 [ A 8.4.4 ]
        8.5   The company now increases the
                cost to R0,75 per minute.
                How must you change your graph
                to show the new cost? Now draw
                on the same system of axes the
                graph that represents the cost at R0,75.
                                                                 [ A 8.5 ]
Vraag  / Question  9  
         Die grafiek hierbo verteenwoordig
         die koste van 'n selfoon kontrak.
         A is die punt (400 ; 210)
        9.1   Waar begin die grafiek? Gee
                rede vir jou antwoord.
                                                                 [ A 9.1 ]
        9.2   Skat die volgende waardes :
        9.2.1   die koste as tyd = 100 minute.
                                                           [ A 9.2.1 ]
        9.2.2   die tyd as die koste = R100
                                                           [ A 9.2.2 ]
        9.2.3   die koste as tyd = 150 minute.
                                                           [ A 9.2.3 ]
        9.2.4   die tyd as die koste = R178
                                                           [ A 9.2.4 ]
        9.3   Bereken die koste per minuut as
                dit gegee word dat die koste = R150
                as tyd = 250 minute.               [ A 9.3 ]
        9.4   Gebruik die resultaat in 10.3 om
                jou antwoorde in 10.2 te kontroleer.
                                                               [ A 9.4 ]
         The accompanying graph represents the
         cost of a cell phone contract.
         A is the point (400 ; 210)
        9.1   Where does the graph start? Give a
                reason for your answer.
                                                                 [ A 9.1 ]
        9.2   Estimate the following values :
        9.2.1   the cost if time = 100 minutes.
                                                                 [ A 9.2.1 ]
        9.2.2   the time if cost = R100
                                                                 [ A 9.2.2 ]
        9.2.3   the cost if time = 150 minutes.
                                                                 [ A 9.2.3 ]
        9.2.4   the time if cost = R178
                                                                 [ A 9.2.4 ]
        9.3   Calculate the cost per minute if
                it is given that the cost = R150
                if time = 250 minutes.               [ A 9.3 ]
        9.4   Use the result in 10.3 to check
                your answers in 10.2.               [ A 9.4 ]
Vraag  / Question  10  
         Die grafiek hierbo verteenwoordig
         die koste van 'n selfoon kontrak.
        10.1   Waar begin die grafiek? Gee
                rede vir jou antwoord.
                                                                 [ A 10.1 ]
        10.2   Verduidelik die vorm van die
                  grafiek vanaf A na B.              [ A 10.2 ]
        10.3   Verduidelik die vorm van die
                  grafiek vanaf B na C.              [ A 10.3 ]
        10.4   Skat die volgende waardes :
        10.4.1   koste as tyd = 80 minute.
                                                             [ A 10.4.1 ]
        10.4.2   tyd as koste = R80
                                                             [ A 10.4.2 ]
        10.4.3   koste as tyd = 250 minute.
                                                             [ A 10.4.3 ]
        10.4.4   tyd as koste = R175
                                                             [ A 10.4.4 ]
        10.5   Bereken die koste per minuut
                  as dit gegee is dat die
                  koste = R200 as tyd = 400 minute.
                                                                 [ A 10.5 ]
        10.6   Gebruik die resultaat in 11.5 om
                  jou antwoorde in 11.4 te verifieer.
                                                                 [ A 10.6 ]
         The accompanying graph represents
         the cost of a cell phone contract.
        10.1   Where does the graph start?
                  Give a reason for your answer.
                                                                 [ A 10.1 ]
        10.2   Explain the form of the graph
                  from A to B.                            [ A 10.2 ]
        10.3   Explain the form of the graph
                  from B to C.                            [ A 10.3 ]
        10.4   Estimate the following values :
        10.4.1   cost if time = 80 minutes.
                                                             [ A 10.4.1 ]
        10.4.2   time if cost = R80
                                                             [ A 10.4.2 ]
        10.4.3   cost if time = 250 minutes.
                                                             [ A 10.4.3 ]
        10.4.4   time if cost = R175
                                                             [ A 10.4.4 ]
        10.5   Calculate the cost per minute
                  if it is given that the
                  cost = R200 if time = 400 minutes.
                                                                 [ A 10.5 ]
        10.6   Use the result in 11.5 to check
                  your answers in 11.4.
                                                                 [ A 10.6 ]
Vraag  / Question  11  
         Die grafiek hierbo verteenwoordig
         die koste van 2 selfoon kontrakte.
        11.1   Waarom begin die grafiek
                  van kontrak A nie by 0 nie?
                                                                 [ A 11.1 ]
        11.2   Wat is die koste om 100 minute
                  te gebruik op albei kontrakte?
                                                                 [ A 11.2 ]
        11.3   Hoeveel minute kan op albei
                  kontrakte gebruik word vir
                  'n koste van R200?
                                                                 [ A 11.3 ]
        11.4   Toon aan dat die koördinate
                  van punt R (250 ; 150) is.
                                                                 [ A 11.4 ]
        11.5   Toon aan dat die koste per
                  minuut op kontrak B 60c is.
                                                                 [ A 11.5 ]
        11.6   Toon aan dat die koste per
                  minuut op kontrak A R0,40 is.
                                                                 [ A 11.6 ]
        11.7   Watter kontrak, A of B, sou
                  jy aanbeveel vir 'n persoon wat
        11.7.1   minder as 200 minute per
                     maand gebruik? Gee 'n rede.
                                                               [ A 11.7.1 ]
        11.7.2   meer as 260 minute per
                     maand gebruik? Gee 'n rede.
                                                               [ A 11.7.2 ]
         The accompanying graph represents
         the cost of 2 cell phone contracts.
        11.1   Why does the graph of
                  contract A not start at 0?
                                                                 [ A 11.1 ]
        11.2   What is the cost to use
                 100 minutes on both contracts?
                                                             [ A 11.2 ]
        11.3   How many minutes can be used
                  on both contracts for a cost of R200?
                                                             [ A 11.3 ]
        11.4   Show that the co-ordinates
                  of point R are (250 ; 150).
                                                                 [ A 11.4 ]
        11.5   Show that the cost per
                  minute of contract B is 60 c
                                                                 [ A 11.5 ]
        11.6   Confirm that the cost per
                  minute of contract A is R0,40
                                                                 [ A 11.6 ]
        11.7   Which contract, A or B, would
                  you recommend for a person
                  who uses
        11.7.1   less than 200 minutes per
                     month? Explain your answer.
                                                                [ A 11.7.1 ]
        11.7.2   260 or more minutes per
                     month? Explain your answer.
                                                                [ A 11.7.2 ]